emergency medicine
By Gregory Van Dyke
Learn how to become your own medicine man or woman
True medical freedom is experienced when you gain self-reliance in taking care of your most common healthcare needs through natural means. Today, it has become all too common for people to reach for painkillers or potentially dangerous medicine as their first port of call. This knee-jerk reaction to reach for some pill or another to […]
By Isabelle Z.
Oil of oregano kills pathogens safely and effectively
Oregano has an uncanny ability to salvage even the dullest-tasting pasta sauces, but did you know that it can also save your life? Studies have shown that oil of oregano has the power to kill pathogens effectively and safely. Researchers from the Georgetown University Medical Center set out to determine what effects the oil would […]
By Vicki Batts
Always keep these 4 essential oils in your survival kit
Essential oils are gaining in popularity, finally beginning to get much-deserved recognition for their health benefits. But with so many options, it can be hard to narrow down which oils are the best fit for your needs. And when you’re prepping a survival kit, less is often more — especially when space is limited. So, […]
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